
GSR Key Differentiators

Funding from key sources is continuing to fall, putting many institutions at risk

  • The globalization of education is accelerating with the proliferation of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course) aimed at unlimited participation

Demands are rising for a greater return on investment in higher education

  • Greater transparency about educational outcomes (graduation rates, college-enrollment rates, test scores etc.) is becoming the norm.
The Education CIO’s attention has moved from day to day technology challenges to finding strategic solutions to institutional problems. Higher Education institutions are now compelled to adopt digital business model innovations as the new way of thinking. With cloud and a digital mindset, institutions can collect and utilize data like never before The opportunities for improving student services are endless and this will be the focus for institutions over the next few years

By creating tighter relationships with students, the institution will reap the awards in retention, future recruitment & ultimately, advancement

Admissions and advancement offices have been the traditional users of CRM software

In 2016, analysts predict that institutions will progressively seek fully-developed CRM solutions that track a student from the initial contact, through enrollment and entry into alumnus status.

Student life cycle – Collecting communications & exchanges between the student & all campus stakeholders—including professors, athletic coaches, career services, advisors and housing staff—will provide the institution with a “360-degree” view of the student that enables them to fully maximize student lifetime value.

Education Use Cases

Student Self Service

Library Management

Community portals

Departmental Sites for faculty

Portal for assessments

Skype for instant messaging

Yammer for social networking

Admission Dashboards

Community Dashboards

Enrollment Reports

Lead Management Reports

Faculty Management Reports

Financial Analysis

Trend Reports