Application Development

There are hundreds of software development companies and all of them will have their pitch for selling their services as you make a mission-critical decision for your business.

While there’s a vast network of quality developers at your disposal at all times, only a few custom development vendors can provide the elite technological capability, extensive track record, and credentials that GSR brings to the table. We understand the budget constraints and so we help optimize your operating margins by developing a customized solution.

A Solid Framework

GSR uses Microsoft’s .NET Framework for robust, scalable application development by utilizing the following –

  • Object-oriented C# code
  • Standards-based master page layouts
  • Entity Framework-powered data access layers

Need an application that will scale? Robust performance and speedy response time? Rich experiences and complex integrations? .NET and GSR have you covered.

It’s In the Way That You Use It

  • C#
  • Entity Framework
  • LINQ
  • WCF
  • MVC

A Solid Framework

GSR has tested methodologies and frameworks to develop enterprise-scale Java-based solutions that will help achieve the following goals

  • Speeding time to market
  • Improving quality
  • Improving usability
  • Improving the agility of IT systems.

Advantages of using JAVA

  • Reduce costs
  • Drive innovation
  • Improve application services (programming language of choice for IoT, enterprise architecture, and cloud computing)
  • The global standard for developing and delivering (embedded applications, games, Web content, enterprise software)

In a business environment where cost and speed are critical factors, open-source software can play a key role in helping organizations gain professional expertise at reduced costs.

GSR has the industry expertise and knowledge to provide technology strategy and implementation services to its clients for Open Source implementation.

The term “Open Source” describes any copyrightable work that is licensed in a manner that provides users with free and perpetual permission to engage in 5R activities:

  • Retain – the right to make, own, and control copies of the content (e.g., download, duplicate, store, and manage).
  • Reuse – the right to use the content in a wide range of ways (e.g., in a class, in a study group, on a website, in a video).
  • Revise – the right to adapt, adjust, modify, or alter the content itself (e.g., translate the content into another language).
  • Remix – the right to combine the original or revised content with other open content to create something new (e.g., incorporate the content into a mashup).
  • Redistribute – the right to share copies of the original content, your revisions, or your remixes with others (e.g., give a copy of the content to a friend).

It’s In the Way That You Use It

  • Solution architecture assessment
  • Solution architecture definition
  • Application development
  • Application maintenance
  • Application management
  • Application modernization
  • Enterprise application integration (EAI)
  • Packaged application services
  • Performance engineering and Enhancement
  • SOA realization