Business Analytics


To fully benefit from the power of data, organizations need to make it easy for all users to get access to the right data, at the right time, so they can make more informed decisions, while also giving IT the tools to manage data access, quality and compliance. User expectations, however, are changing, and they are demanding self-service access to more types of data than ever before. A BI or Analytics solution isn’t complete if it can’t pull in external data from a marketplace, or unstructured data, and easily combine it with existing enterprise data that may live on premises or in the cloud. Customers can build these modern analytics solutions on-premises or simply subscribe to cloud based BI and let the provider manage the infrastructure for them, so they can focus on unlocking new insights.


Empower users with a complete self-service Business Intelligence (BI) solution delivered through Excel and Power BI.

  • Excel provides data discovery, analysis, and visualization capabilities that help users identify deeper business insights from their data.

  • Power BI provides an easy-to-deploy cloud-based BI environment for users to share, collaborate, and access data & reports from anywhere.


SharePoint Server provides an integrated environment for :


Yammer is your company’s private social network that helps you and your teams stay on top of it all. It has the following features 


Skype specializes in providing video chat and voice calls from computers, tablets, and mobile devices via the Internet to other devices or telephones/smartphones. Users can also send instant messages, exchange files and images, send video messages, and create conference calls.