GSR’s Quality Assurance Services for Healthcare Industry

GSR has established long term partnership to provide software engineering services with diverse healthcare providers. We have demonstrated successful scaling up to the unique challenges of healthcare industry with skills and commitments.

GSR’s QA Team has more than 100+ person years of experience providing software testing services, to more than 5 customers worldwide in healthcare. Supported by structured testing processes, streamlined resourcing mechanisms and in-house test lab facilities, we ensure bottom-line enhancements to our customers.

QA services in healthcare sector include app testing on web, medical device testing as well as mobile testing on iOS and Android platforms. We have also successfully established independent testing CoE performance end-to-end testing with proven governance and delivery mechanisms.

GSR’s Application Development in Healthcare

Our expertise in QA includes

Our Automation expertise tools include

GSR’s Core Competence in Healthcare

Our core competence in the Quality Assurance of Healthcare Applications was gained by providing solutions for leading Healthcare providers across the globe. Testing healthcare applications is challenging. The stringent regulatory compliances, disparate systems, platforms, providers and multiple protocols demand a customized and unique testing approach for each of our customers.

Our expertise in this area includes Planning, Execution and Management which involves:

  • Multiple services
  • Multiple protocols
  • Multiple HL7 formats
  • Multiple Providers

Value added relationship

GSR QA Team works with customer in a variety of engagement models as best suited to the customers’ needs. Typically commencing with a resourcing basis, with time we engage in a shared model where testing of an entire release is managed by GSR team. This has proved beneficial strategically as well as cost effective to our customers.

QA Testing Overview for Healthcare

About GSR

Global Software Resources (GSR) is a global IT services and solutions provider headquartered in the San Francisco Bay Area in Pleasanton, California, with offices in Chennai, India. Founded in 1992 as an independent custom development and maintenance consultancy, GSR has worked closely with companies ranging in size from start-ups to large enterprises to help them build efficient and agile businesses ever since.

Contact Us

Contact :925-249-2200
Fax :925-249-2203
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GSR Office Locations:

USA:Pleasanton, CA & Dallas, Texas
India:Chennai, TN